Operations is Responsible For...

Operations is responsible for:
- 15 Pump Stations
- 12 Backup Generators
- 15 Fuel Tanks
- 34 Pumps
- 49 Operable Control Structures
- 71 Telemetry Stations
- 17 Mechanical Gates
- 90 Fixed Structures
- 74 Metritapes
- 20 Metritape Docks
- 17 Rain Gauges
- 338 Aerators
- 6 Recharge Wells
- 66 Landscape Sites
- 108 Street Lights Maintained
- Approx. 2,000 Preserve Acres Managed & 370 Water Bodies
- 50 Miles of Canal System
- 36 Miles of Road Right of Way
These improvements give Northern the ability to impact, in a positive manner, the quality of life of the residents within its Units of Development. This impact goes far beyond provision of storm water protection and safe and well-maintained roadways. Northern owns and maintains vast wetland preserves, which, through proper maintenance, provide unique natural ecosystems for the community. Northern takes water quality issues associated with the surface water management systems very seriously. This interest is reflected in our investment in a program to install and maintain 338 aerators. The program provides an aesthetic value that is realized and appreciated by the residents. Northern’s aquatic weed control program provides a level of service, which exceeds that required for storm water protection. Enhanced aesthetic values are the purpose served and expected by residents and Property Owner’s Associations.